Supporting Inclusion at Delce Academy
At Delce, we welcome everybody into our community. The staff, governors, pupils and parents work together to make school a happy, welcoming place where all children can achieve their full potential and develop as confident individuals. We provide a learning environment that enables all pupils to make the greatest possible progress and achieve their full potential in a caring, supportive and fully inclusive environment.
Our ethos is that every pupil should be supported to achieve academic, emotional, social and physical developmental success. Our school is committed to removing the barriers to learning and engagement that children may encounter, whether that be a short or long-term area of difficulty.
At Delce Academy we believe that:
- All children should be valued regardless of their abilities or difficulties
- All children are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated to meet individual needs
- All teachers are teachers of children with SEN
- All children can be enabled to fulfil their potential through effective teaching and learning, supporting and encouraging
- Effective assessment and provision for children with SEN will be secured with partnership with parents/carers, children, the Local Education Authority and any relevant outside agencies.
Delce Academy Inclusion Team
Name |
Role |
Mr Palmer | SENCO |
Mrs Patterson | SENCO (DEC) |
Mrs Gardener | SEMH Phase Lead (DEC) |
Mr Green | Speech and Language Therapist |
Ms Bruty | Art Therapist |
Mr Minlah | Sports and Enrichment Lead |
Mrs Morrish | Family Liaison Manager |
Mrs Sparks | ELSA Pastoral Lead |
Miss Grant | Behaviour Support Lead |
Medway Local Authority sets out the provisions and services available to Medway families on
Please click here to access Medway Early Help referral site.
Below are some online resources aimed at how parents can support children with a variety of difficulties:
Parent guides for supporting children with additional needs at home
Dyslexia Assit - What Can I Do At Home To Help My Child?
British Dyslexia Association - Supporting Homework
Speech and Language
I Can - Resources for Home Learning and Helping Children's understanding
Chatterpack - Resources for Schools and Parent Carers
Autism Research Insitute - Helping Students with Online Learning
Reading Rockets - Supporting Children during COVID-19
ADHD Foundation - Advice & Guidance
Young Minds - Parents Guide to Support Challenging Behaviour